3D Models Animation Blender Cartoon Making

4 Free 3D Character Creator for blender

With its dynamic features and possibilities, the character creator is now ruling the world. It aids in the creation of characters in a simple and enjoyable manner. It is free to use, but with so many benefits come a few drawbacks. Yes, most of the time it is difficult to create these characters because you need modeling skills to bring them to life. Many animators find it like a rock to surpass as modeling skills are definitely not easy to learn. But guess what, there are some character creators in blender 3D in which you can create 3D characters easily without digging into modeling skills. 

So without any further due, let’s explore these amazing and free of cost 3D character creator:

Make Human- free and open-source character creator

Make human is a free and open-source character creator software that is available on a desktop. Make human was first designed for the prototyping of photo realistic human characters. It was because of this that we can create 3D characters very smoothly without any error. It provides an FBX file to export and we can use that file in the blender too. Make human is a character creator which provides rig also. We can add expressions in Whatever character we make in this creator. This character creator gives expressions to the widest possible range to make it look natural.  Make human’s goal is to give the user an incredibly simple opportunity to design characters with a beautiful finish.

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MB Lab- Character creator in Addon in a blender

Manual Bastioni Lab is the common name for MB Lab, which was named after its developer. It is a free and effective add-on. It has very realistic characters and also comes with pre-made characters. There are three basic characteristics that contribute to the creation of a high-quality character: tune, age, and mass. Furthermore, we can create its skin in a very realistic manner. When a character is generated, it includes a facial rig. We can make as many changes to these characters as we want. It includes a Preset library that covers the most common human phenotypes. Hair and clothing assets can be easily added to MB Lab characters. Once the character has been finalized, we have the authority to enable its facial rig or add a BBH file. It already has many facial expressions by default, which we can control with sliders. We can add keyframes with sliders to get those expressions in animation. Other than MB Lab, we will not find such an easy way to control facial expressions. Then there’s lipsync; this tool is also excellent for lapsing, but it has some limitations. Most assets do not come by default in this case; we must create our own. An international team of artists and programmers supports and develops MB Lab.

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CG Cookie Flux Rig

CG Cookie is a blender file that allows us to change characters using high-level programming. It comes with a slew of pre-made characters that can be tweaked in a variety of ways. We can, for example, change the size or color of our hands, as well as our clothes, in short, we can change anything we want. Another thing to note is that these characters are not realistic; they are cartoon types. We can also activate facial rigging. One of the constraints is that it does not work without a script because it is created in a blender, where it works and is controlled by a script. Getting this blender into an FBX file is a difficult task. However, it works fantastically within the blender, we can add lipsing, and it is best for cartoon characters. Flex Rig intends to be a fantastic resource for learning and developing animation skills.

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Adobe fuse

Last but not least, there’s Adobe fuse. It is one of the few free tools in the Adobe portfolio. Adobe fuse was once a 3D character creator for Adobe, but it has since been discontinued. We could easily create the character in this by using the sliders. If you have a picture in front of you and want to model that person, you can do so easily. Adobe fuse is a tool that allows you to change almost everything about a character. Skin, color, size, facial expressions, and a variety of other factors all play a role. It does work these days, but not on the Adobe website. We can easily find it on an external website, but we can’t send it directly to Mixamo. We must export the file and manually send it to Mixamo. Following the completion of the character, when you send it to Mixamo, you can get thousands of pre-made animations. We can download it with just one click and import it in the blender and your animation is ready. Isn’t it amazing?

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So these are some of the amazing free 3D Character creators which you can avail yourself of any time and improve your animation skills and create high-quality characters in just minutes.

Hope you liked this article. Do let us know which tool you liked the most. We would love to hear from you. 

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